I never have been and never will be a weight loss coach - I am here to support you to find joy in moving your body in ways you enjoy and empower you to love the skin you’re in - so you can Feel Good.
Nutrition is so nuanced and individual - I am a fitness professional, not a nutrition expert and personally believe in Health At Every Size (HAES) and loving what you eat.
Weight loss and Fitness are two very separate things and there’s a lot more to weight loss than ‘diet-culture’ would like us to know, it’s so much more than ‘calories in calories out’. My focus is not on what you can lose but what you can gain - such as confidence, strength, a love for movement and joy in your body - so these mentally positive goals would be what I would help you to strive for.
Below I’ve provided some resources that I have found really useful for my own continual nutritional education (when it comes to nutrition I personally feel the more you learn the less you know - and there is always more to learn), and so I hope these sites and pages might help you too.

Caroline Dooner - The F*ck It Diet
Instagram: @thefuckitdiet
Web: thefuckitdiet.com & carolinedooner.com
Fitpros Against Weight Stigma - FPAWS
Instagram: @againstweightstigma
Web: againstweightstigma.wordpress.com
Dr Joshua Wolrich
Instagram: @drjoshuawolrich
Meg Boggs
Instagram: @meg.boggs
Molly Forbes - Body Happy Org
Instagram: @mollyjforbes & @bodyhappyorg
Food Science Babe
Instagram: @foodsciencebabe
Gregory Dodell, MD
Instagram: @everything_endocrine
Alexis Conason
Instagram: @theantidietplan
Shana Minei Spence
Instagram: @thenutritiontea
Web: www.thenutritiontea.com
There are so many more - but this is a good start.
If you do want my help with regards to your food and nutrition, I will be happy to have a chat to see how I can best support you, but I am not a dietician or nutritionist so all I can provide is guidance. To book in a free 30 minute chat fill in my contact me page or drop me an email to geraldine@becomefitforlife.com
Ready to feel good
Become Fit For Life is located in Sidcup, Kent, United Kingdom
BUT can proudly train people from around the worlD
Geraldine was an amazing ambassador for Decathlon, and ran some of our most popular live online classes to date. We could always count on her to bring great energy along with expertise to her sessions, which our customers loved through lockdown. Tune into her workouts for a lot of fun and a fantastic workout!